Google+ BJDs for Beginners

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lady Bee hybrid

Lady Bee hybrid by alington
Lady Bee hybrid, a photo by alington on Flickr.
One of the cool things about BJDs is the ability to make hybrid dolls. Doll Chateau Erica wasn't getting much attention at my house lately, so I decided to try a quick hybrid--her willowy body and Peak's Woods Lady Bee's head.

Both are white resin--Kid and Fairy of Bugs size--and a pretty good match for color and size. Lady Bee now has an amazing ability to pose and a brand new look. Her wardrobe is a little limited, however.

For me, though, it's like having a brand new doll. You can see her photoshoot on Flickr.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Momo at Christmas

Momo by alington
Momo, a photo by alington on Flickr.
Here she is--the lovely DollPamm Momo. Her face up is by GamergirlLexi. She's dressed in a Barbie dress, Ellowyne Wilde skirt, and YoSD shoes from Mint on Card. Her wig is from Leeke, and eyes are also from Mint on Card (sparkling blue glass).

I think she's just too cute. She is the pink/white resin that DollPamm offers. I can't wait to see what else this company does!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Peak's Woods Winter special continued...

Check out the latest update in the Winter Event from Peak's Woods here. Not only has the gorgeous Sleeping Cue limited edition been posted to the website, but she is now part of the regular line as well. Above, you can see her regular, anything-but-basic make-up. She's simply enchanting.

To refresh your memory--the Fairy of Color body has been updated to a new double-jointed Lolita body. You can see photos of it here. It can be ordered with a split thigh or without, and extra posing hands (+$25) and heel feet (+$60) are available separately.

Goldie has renewed basic makeup. She's adorable!

When you purchase any FOC doll, you may choose one of the following six free heads in the same skin tone for free:

When you purchase an Absolute Beauty doll, you may choose a free AB head (Rogita, Rogita Blossom, Bella the Moon, or Kisha) for free, also in the same skin tone.

Of course, bodies are available separately, and you can add a gorgeous face-up to the event head when you purchase the body. Lay-away is available for the event, and it's easy to do!

DollHeart specials - and it's a great one!

Through the end of the month (December 2013), or till products have sold out, you may choose any three of the following full set DollHeart fashions for $149.90 for all three sets:

  • Alysha (SD16) $119.90
  • Queen of Hearts ver. A (SD16) $129.90
  • Endless Moment (SD10/13 girl) $94.90
  • Rate Hate (SD10/13 girl) $99.90
  • Angela (SD10/13 girl) $99.90
  • The Hierophant (SD13 boy) $99.90
  • Eternal Heart (SD13 boy) $99.90
  • Jase (SD13 boy) $119.90
  • Blue Duke (MSD boy) $99.90
  • Carlo (MSD boy) $99.90
  • Bradyn (MSD boy) $99.90
  • Alexis (MSD girl) $89.90
  • Stephanie (MSD girl) $89.90
  • Rickey (MSD girl) $89.90
  • Rely on You (YoSD boy) $79.90
  • Aaron (YoSD boy) $79.90
  • John Darling (YoSD boy) $79.90
  • Candy Blue (YoSD girl) $79.90
  • Ericka (YoSD girl) $79.90
  • Katherine (YoSD girl) $79.90
  • Little Black Rabbit Ace (Lati Yellow Boy) $79.90
  • Hunter (Lati Yellow Boy) $69.90
  • Cameron (Lati Yellow Boy) $69.90
  • Little Black Rabbit Heart (Lati Yellow Girl) $79.90
  • Odalys (Lati Yellow Girl) $79.90
  • Darby (Lati Yellow Girl) $79.90
Alone, these outfits range in price from $69.90 - $129.90, so you'll be getting a great deal on some of these! Visit DollHeart's website to order.
Also, I should point out--that's Miss Sleeping Cue modeling in the Endless Moment photo, just below. You'd probably better order one for your collection from Peak's Woods--see my next post!

Endless Moment

Friday, December 13, 2013

Peak's Woods event: Sleeping Cue Limited Edition

A sneak peek of Peak's Woods limited edition Sleeping Cue has been posted on the index page--and she goes on sale December 16.

Don't forget about the current special--get a free FOF head with any FOF doll, through December 15 only. Then, starting on December 16 through the end of the month, when you purchase a full FOC doll, you can get a free FOC head (Lavin, Lottie, Sky, Cue, Mintie or Shaia) with your order.

See the Peak's Woods website for details.

And wow--I've just noticed there has been a price drop in the FOC dolls--from $580 to $550. (The prices were usually listed at $550 with a 10% discount, but this discount has now become permanent.) Additionally, make-up for the AB dolls has been lowered from $70 to $60 as well.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dollpamm Momo

Dollpamm Momo by alington
Dollpamm Momo, a photo by alington on Flickr.
For the curious... Dollpamm Momo in white skin is back from her face up by Gamergirl Lexi. She's such a funny and sweet little thing--not to mention happy!

Proportionally, her head seems smaller than Peak's Woods Hucky. I like her, I think. She's very quirky. She's due for a redress and some real photos.