Google+ BJDs for Beginners

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Peak's Woods Winter special continued...

Check out the latest update in the Winter Event from Peak's Woods here. Not only has the gorgeous Sleeping Cue limited edition been posted to the website, but she is now part of the regular line as well. Above, you can see her regular, anything-but-basic make-up. She's simply enchanting.

To refresh your memory--the Fairy of Color body has been updated to a new double-jointed Lolita body. You can see photos of it here. It can be ordered with a split thigh or without, and extra posing hands (+$25) and heel feet (+$60) are available separately.

Goldie has renewed basic makeup. She's adorable!

When you purchase any FOC doll, you may choose one of the following six free heads in the same skin tone for free:

When you purchase an Absolute Beauty doll, you may choose a free AB head (Rogita, Rogita Blossom, Bella the Moon, or Kisha) for free, also in the same skin tone.

Of course, bodies are available separately, and you can add a gorgeous face-up to the event head when you purchase the body. Lay-away is available for the event, and it's easy to do!

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